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Groupes Prêts à l’Intervention

ACVRS a organisé ses capacités MOH en ensembles de compétence, ressources et équipements, qui sont déployables à court préavis et sont connus sous le nom de Groupes Prêts à l’Intervention (GPI).

Les GPI sont des capacités modularisées fournissant des fonctions désignées tout en opérant au sein de l’Équipe de Mission, et dont les nombres peuvent être ajustés selon la taille et la complexité de l’incident.

Les GPI sont composés d’intervenants MOH de tout le Canada qui sont formés, organisés, équipés et peuvent être mobilisés pour fournir un soutien spécifique à la mission en réponse à une demande d’une Autorité Ayant Juridiction (AAJ).

Chaque GPI a sa propre fonction de mission, composition en personnel et besoins en équipement.


Fournit un soutien en recherche, sauvetage et récupération à l’AAJ et au MIST. Formé et équipé pour effectuer des recherches, sauvetages et récupérations systématiques, sur de vastes zones et dans tous les environnements (sauvage, urbain, littoral, nocturne). Utilise des stratégies et procédures établies pour trouver : les survivants, fournir leurs premiers soins médicaux, les amener en sécurité, et/ou; les victimes. Capable de travailler dans des environnements dangereux. Fonctionne compétentement au sein d’une structure organisationnelle ICS en tant que partie d’une équipe.


Fournit un soutien de premiers secours de base à l’AAJ et au MIST. Adresse les problèmes médicaux sur le terrain de manière appropriée, si l’accès immédiat au 911 ou aux services médicaux d’urgence est retardé, interrompu ou indisponible. Aide au déplacement des victimes loin du danger vers un abri/triage. Assiste les services médicaux d’urgence avec le triage et le traitement des victimes de masse. Documente les détails des victimes et incidents liés. Capable de travailler dans des environnements dangereux. Fonctionne compétemment au sein d’une structure organisationnelle ICS comme partie d’une équipe.

Gestion des incidents

Fournir du personnel pour soutenir l’AHJ et au MIST, y compris les tâches administratives générales (commandes, correspondance, flux d’informations). Superviser le commandement et la coordination des tâches modulaires en fonction de l’ampleur et de la complexité de l’incident. Capable de travailler dans des environnements dangereux. Fonctionner compétemment au sein d’une structure organisationnelle ICS en tant comme partie d’une équipe.


Fournit un soutien en communications opérationnelles à l’AAJ et au MIST/MIMT. Soutient le transfert d’informations précis et en temps réel parmi les équipes de recherche, l’AAJ et les centres d’accueil, en utilisant des radios bidirectionnelles, des radios ham, des téléphones satellites et cellulaires, ou verbalement. Documente et archive les communications selon le besoin. Responsable de la maintenance et de la supervision des radios. Capable de travailler dans des environnements dangereux. Fonctionne compétentement au sein d’une structure organisationnelle ICS en tant que partie d’une équipe.


Fournir un soutien géomatique à l’AAJ et au MIST. Utiliser avec compétence les cartes et le GPS pour naviguer, s’orienter et relayer des coordonnées précises en toute sécurité et efficacement pendant une mission. Utiliser un logiciel de cartographie numérique pour recueillir les données GPS de l’équipe sur le terrain et les reporter sur des cartes, y compris les dangers post-incident (lignes électriques tombées, incendies, fuites de gaz), les survivants et les victimes. Aider la section de planification du commandement des opérations sur le lieu de l’incident à diriger les ressources de sauvetage appropriées vers les endroits appropriés. Capable de travailler dans des environnements dangereux. Fonctionne compétentement au sein d’une structure organisationnelle ICS en tant que partie d’une équipe.


Fournit un soutien logistique opérationnel à l’AAJ et au MIST. Soutient le transfert d’informations précis et en temps réel entre les équipes de recherche, l’AAJ et les centres de réception, utilisant des moyens de communication divers. Documente et archive les communications comme requis. Capable de travailler dans des environnements dangereux. Fonctionne compétemment au sein d’une structure organisationnelle ICS comme partie d’une équipe.


Effectue des contrôles de bien-être des populations vulnérables en soutien à l’AAJ et au MIST. Effectue des visites brèves de maison en maison ou de bâtiment en bâtiment, évalue le bien-être des résidents et s’assure qu’ils disposent de nourriture, médicaments et nécessités de base suffisantes. Les informations sont documentées dans un formulaire de dépistage du bien-être. Distribue des ordres d’évacuation lorsque nécessaire. Aide aux évacuations si nécessaire, ou alerte l’AAJ pour organiser une assistance d’urgence ou un transport ; confirme l’évacuation de tout résident(s). Capable de travailler dans des environnements dangereux. Fonctionne compétemment au sein d’une structure organisationnelle ICS comme partie d’une équipe.


Fournit un soutien à la gestion de la sécurité et du trafic à l’AAJ et au MIST. Assure le contrôle d’accès aux bâtiments endommagés, aux fermetures de routes et aux zones dangereuses. Détourne l’activité criminelle dans les propriétés endommagées/évacuées, ou les zones de stockage contenant des fournitures de secours humanitaires. Maintient un flux de trafic ordonné aux intersections avec des feux de circulation non fonctionnels, le long des déviations, et loin des zones endommagées ou des routes impraticables ; maintient des passages clairs pour les véhicules d’urgence. Reste conforme aux réglementations locales, provinciales/territoriales et fédérales. Capable de travailler dans des zones dangereuses. Fonctionne compétemment au sein d’une structure organisationnelle ICS comme partie d’une équipe.


Effectue des tâches de travail général (nettoyage des débris, remplissage des sacs de sable) en soutien à l’AAJ et au MIST. Capable de travailler dans des environnements dangereux. Fonctionne compétent au sein d’une structure organisationnelle ICS comme partie d’une équipe.

HWF Mission Ready Group: General Labour Support

Overall Function
Performs general labour tasks (cleaning up debris, filling sandbags) in support of the AHJ and MIST/MIMT. Able to work in hazardous environments. Functions competently within an ICS organizational structure as part of a team.
1 MRG Supervisor
3 Team Leads
15 Support personnel
1 Medical Aid
Law enforcement, re-supply and shelter support for the team as per the service agreement with the requesting agency




MRG Supervisor

1 MRG Supervisor

Met the CSA SARVAC Z1620 core competency standards for a SAR Manager. Has completed ICS 200 training; ICS 300 is recommended.


Team Lead

3 Team Leads

Met the CSA SARVAC Z1620 core competency standards for a Team Leader. Has completed ICS 100 training; ICS 200 is recommended.


Support to the MRG only.

1 Medical Aid

Has a valid, 80-120 hour, CSA Standard Z1210-17 Advanced First Aid course. Has advanced CISM training.



15 Responders

All personnel have the following knowledge, skills and certifications:

  • Met the CSA SARVAC Z1620 core competency standards for a Searcher.
  • Has completed ICS 100 training.
  • Has a valid, minimum 16 hour, CSA Standard Z1210-17 First Aid CPR C & AED course.
  • Undergone vulnerable person’s checks.
  • Proficient 2 way radio and GPS skills.
  • Uniformed, dressed and equipped for any weather, terrain and hazards.
  • Take precautions to ensure the safety of themselves, their team and victims.
  • Has an awareness of CISM.


Vehicle(s) capable of transporting personnel, equipment and supplies.

5 crew cab Pickups, fuel cards (est. 3500 liters of fuel per week)


Materials and Supplies (based on 20 people for a 7 day deployment)

Self-sustaining for 12 hours to include personal protective equipment (PPE), food, water, and fuel. Basic communications and navigation equipment (cell phones, 2 way radios, GPS); extra batteries. First Aid kit containing essential supplies. Tools and equipment for the task at hand.

Accommodations: 4 x 8-10 person tents if hotels aren’t available (6-7 people per tent + 1 utility tent for gear); 21 x portable heaters; 20 x (foam mat or cots, sleeping bags, pillows, tent lights, individual foot lockers); 2 x portable toilet; 2 x portable shower.

Sustenance: Per diem or 420 boxes of MREs, 5 x portable stoves, 5 x lrg pots; 1680 x 500ml water bottles (or water purification system). Estimate 10 liters of cooking fuel per week.

Additional Equipment:

Per Person:
1 x notebook, 5 x pens; Cellphone (personal or Comms Cache supplied (S-300) with PoC app installed if members’ cellphone not working); GPS, 1-2 spare USB power pack; PPE (CSA approved hardhat, safety glasses, leather gloves, safety boots, N95 mask, hearing protection, high visibility vest).

Per Team: (i.e., 1 Team Lead + 5 Responders) + MRG Supervisor: PoC System Remote Speaker Mic; VHF Radio + Spare Battery (if available); inReach satellite comm system; CSA approved Basic First Aid kit Z1220-17 (R2021)

Per MRG: Iridium PTT Handset (e/w speaker mic, spare battery, and external antenna); J-pole roll up antenna. Built for 149.080 e/w 16′ coax cable with Kenwood connector (SMA Male- TBC). Portable Collapsible Mast 20′ fiberglass fishing pole. Line with weight for tree installations; internet access, Repeaters, networking equipment, interop controllers per comms plan.

Per vehicle: External Radio Antenna. Stico Flexi Whip 1/4 wave cut to 149.080, NMO base. Mount kit e/w magnetic mount, luggage rack mount and lip mount NMO base, PL-259 coax. Kenwood Portable Radio adapter (SO-239 to SMA(m) TBC).

HWF Mission Ready Group: Wellness Checks Support

Overall Function
Performs wellness checks of vulnerable populations in support of the AHJ and MIST/MIMT. Makes brief house-to-house or building visits, assesses the wellbeing of residents and ensures that they have sufficient food, medication and basic necessities. Information is documented in a wellness screening form. Distributes evacuation orders when necessary. Assist with evacuations as needed, or alerts AHJ to arrange for emergency assistance or transport; confirms the evacuation of any resident(s). Able to work in hazardous environments. Functions competently within an ICS organizational structure as part of a team.
1 MRG Supervisor
3 Team Leads
15 Support personnel
1 Medical Aid
Law enforcement, re-supply and shelter support for the team as per the service agreement with the requesting agency.




MRG Supervisor

1 MRG Supervisor

Met the CSA SARVAC Z1620 core competency standards for a SAR Manager. Has completed ICS 200 training; ICS 300 is recommended.


Team Lead

3 Team Leads

Met the CSA SARVAC Z1620 core competency standards for a Team Leader. Has completed ICS 100 training; ICS 200 is recommended.


Support to the MRG only.

1 Medical Aid

Has a valid, 80-120 hour, CSA Standard Z1210-17 Advanced First Aid course. Has advanced CISM training.



15 Responders

All personnel have the following knowledge, skills and certifications:

  • Met the CSA SARVAC Z1620 core competency standards for a Searcher.
  • Has completed ICS 100 training.
  • Has a valid, minimum 16 hour, CSA Standard Z1210-17 First Aid CPR C & AED course.
  • Undergone vulnerable person’s checks.
  • Proficient 2 way radio and GPS skills.
  • Uniformed, dressed and equipped for any weather, terrain and hazards.
  • Take precautions to ensure the safety of themselves, their team and victims.
  • Has an awareness of CISM.
Vehicle Transportation Vehicle(s) capable of transporting personnel, equipment and suppplies. 8 crew cab Pickups, fuel cards (est. 5600 liters of fuel per week)


Materials and Supplies (based on 20 people for a 7 day deployment)

Self-sustaining for 12 hours to include personal protective equipment (PPE), food, water, and fuel. Basic communications and navigation equipment (cell phones, 2 way radios, GPS); extra batteries. First Aid kit containing essential supplies. Tools and equipment for the task at hand.

Accommodations: 4 x 8-10 person tents if hotels aren’t available (6-7 people per tent + 1 utility tent for gear); 21 x portable heaters; 20 x (foam mat or cots, sleeping bags, pillows, tent lights, individual foot lockers); 2 x portable toilet; 2 x portable shower.

Sustenance: Per diem or 420 boxes of MREs, 5 x portable stoves, 5 x lrg pots; 1680 x 500ml water bottles (or water purification system). Estimate 10 liters of cooking fuel per week.

Additional Equipment:

Per Person:
1 x notebook, 5 x pens; Cellphone (personal or Comms Cache supplied (S-300) with PoC app installed if members’ cellphone not working); GPS, 1-2 spare USB power pack; PPE (CSA approved hardhat, safety glasses, leather gloves, safety boots, N95 mask, hearing protection, high visibility vest).

Per Team: (i.e., 1 Team Lead + 5 Responders) + MRG Supervisor: PoC System Remote Speaker Mic; VHF Radio + Spare Battery (if available); inReach satellite comm system; CSA approved Basic First Aid kit Z1220-17 (R2021)

Per MRG: Iridium PTT Handset (e/w speaker mic, spare battery, and external antenna); J-pole roll up antenna. Built for 149.080 e/w 16′ coax cable with Kenwood connector (SMA Male- TBC). Portable Collapsible Mast 20′ fiberglass fishing pole. Line with weight for tree installations; internet access, Repeaters, networking equipment, interop controllers per comms plan.

Per vehicle: External Radio Antenna. Stico Flexi Whip 1/4 wave cut to 149.080, NMO base. Mount kit e/w magnetic mount, luggage rack mount and lip mount NMO base, PL-259 coax. Kenwood Portable Radio adapter (SO-239 to SMA(m) TBC).

HWF Mission Ready Group: Safety and Traffic Management Support

Overall Function
Provide Safety and Traffic Management support to the AHJ and MIST/MIMT. Provides access control to damaged buildings, road closures and hazardous areas. Deters criminal activity at damaged/vacated properties, or storage areas containing humanitarian relief supplies. Maintains orderly traffic flow at intersections with nonfunctional traffic lights, along detours, and away from damaged areas or impassable roads; maintains clear passageways for emergency vehicles. Remains compliant with local, provincial/territorial, and federal regulations. Able to work in hazardous areas. Functions competently within an ICS organizational structure as part of a team.
1 MRG Supervisor
3 Team Leads
15 Support personnel
1 Medical Aid
Law enforcement, re-supply and shelter support for the team as per the service agreement with the requesting agency.




MRG Supervisor

1 MRG Supervisor

Met the CSA SARVAC Z1620 core competency standards for a SAR Manager. Has completed ICS 200 training; ICS 300 is recommended.


Team Lead

3 Team Leads

Met the CSA SARVAC Z1620 core competency standards for a Team Leader. Has completed ICS 100 training; ICS 200 is recommended.


Support to the MRG only.

1 Medical Aid

Has a valid, 80-120 hour, CSA Standard Z1210-17 Advanced First Aid course. Has advanced CISM training.



15 Responders

All personnel have the following knowledge, skills and certifications:

  • Met the CSA SARVAC Z1620 core competency standards for a Searcher.
  • Has completed ICS 100 training.
  • Has a valid, minimum 16 hour, CSA Standard Z1210-17 First Aid CPR C & AED course.
  • Undergone vulnerable person’s checks.
  • Proficient 2 way radio and GPS skills.
  • Uniformed, dressed and equipped for any weather, terrain and hazards.
  • Take precautions to ensure the safety of themselves, their team and victims.
  • Has an awareness of CISM.
Vehicle Transportation Vehicle(s) capable of transporting personnel, equipment and suppplies. 8 crew cab Pickups, fuel cards (est. 5600 liters of fuel per week)


Materials and Supplies (based on 20 people for a 7 day deployment)

Self-sustaining for 12 hours to include personal protective equipment (PPE), food, water, and fuel. Basic communications and navigation equipment (cell phones, 2 way radios, GPS); extra batteries. First Aid kit containing essential supplies. Tools and equipment for the task at hand.

Accommodations: 4 x 8-10 person tents if hotels aren’t available (6-7 people per tent + 1 utility tent for gear); 21 x portable heaters; 20 x (foam mat or cots, sleeping bags, pillows, tent lights, individual foot lockers); 2 x portable toilet; 2 x portable shower.

Sustenance: Per diem or 420 boxes of MREs, 5 x portable stoves, 5 x lrg pots; 1680 x 500ml water bottles (or water purification system). Estimate 10 liters of cooking fuel per week.

Additional Equipment:

Per Person:
1 x notebook, 5 x pens; Cellphone (personal or Comms Cache supplied (S-300) with PoC app installed if members’ cellphone not working); GPS, 1-2 spare USB power pack; PPE (CSA approved hardhat, safety glasses, leather gloves, safety boots, N95 mask, hearing protection, high visibility vest).

Per Team: (i.e., 1 Team Lead + 5 Responders) + MRG Supervisor: PoC System Remote Speaker Mic; VHF Radio + Spare Battery (if available); inReach satellite comm system; CSA approved Basic First Aid kit Z1220-17 (R2021)

Per MRG: Iridium PTT Handset (e/w speaker mic, spare battery, and external antenna); J-pole roll up antenna. Built for 149.080 e/w 16′ coax cable with Kenwood connector (SMA Male- TBC). Portable Collapsible Mast 20′ fiberglass fishing pole. Line with weight for tree installations; internet access, Repeaters, networking equipment, interop controllers per comms plan.

Per vehicle: External Radio Antenna. Stico Flexi Whip 1/4 wave cut to 149.080, NMO base. Mount kit e/w magnetic mount, luggage rack mount and lip mount NMO base, PL-259 coax. Kenwood Portable Radio adapter (SO-239 to SMA(m) TBC).

HWF Mission Ready Group: Geomatics

Overall Function
Provide geomatics support to the AHJ and MIST/MIMT. Proficiently uses maps and GPS to safely and effectively navigate, orientate and relay accurate coordinates during a mission. Utilises digital mapping software to gather field team GPS data and plot on maps, including post incident hazards (downed power lines, fires, gas leaks), survivors and victims. Assists Incident Command Planning Section with focusing the correct rescue resource to the appropriate locations. Able to work in hazardous environments. Functions competently within an ICS organizational structure as part of a team.
1 MRG Supervisor
2 Team Leads
6 Support personnel
1 Medical Aid
Law enforcement, re-supply and shelter support for the team as per the service agreement with the requesting agency.




MRG Supervisor

1 MRG Supervisor

Met the CSA SARVAC Z1620 core competency standards for a SAR Manager. Has completed ICS 200 training; ICS 300 is recommended.


Team Lead

3 Team Leads

Met the CSA SARVAC Z1620 core competency standards for a Team Leader. Has completed ICS 100 training; ICS 200 is recommended.


Support to the MRG only.

1 Medical Aid

Has a valid, 80-120 hour, CSA Standard Z1210-17 Advanced First Aid course. Has advanced CISM training.



15 Responders

All personnel have the following knowledge, skills and certifications:

  • Met the CSA SARVAC Z1620 core competency standards for a Searcher.
  • Has completed ICS 100 training.
  • Has a valid, minimum 16 hour, CSA Standard Z1210-17 First Aid CPR C & AED course.
  • Undergone vulnerable person’s checks.
  • Proficient 2 way radio and GPS skills.
  • Uniformed, dressed and equipped for any weather, terrain and hazards.
  • Take precautions to ensure the safety of themselves, their team and victims.
  • Has an awareness of CISM.
Vehicle Transportation Vehicle(s) capable of transporting personnel, equipment and suppplies. 3 crew cab Pickups, fuel cards (est. 5600 liters of fuel per week)


Materials and Supplies (based on 20 people for a 7 day deployment)

Self-sustaining for 12 hours to include personal protective equipment (PPE), food, water, and fuel. Basic communications and navigation equipment (cell phones, 2 way radios, GPS); extra batteries. First Aid kit containing essential supplies. Tools and equipment for the task at hand.

Accommodations: 3 x 8-10 person tents if hotels aren’t available (5 people per tent + 1 utility tent for gear); 11 x portable heaters; 10 x (foam mat or cots, sleeping bags, pillows, tent lights, individual foot lockers); 1 x portable toilet; 1 x portable shower.

Sustenance: Per diem or 420 boxes of MREs, 5 x portable stoves, 5 x lrg pots; 1680 x 500ml water bottles (or water purification system). Estimate 10 liters of cooking fuel per week.

Additional Equipment:

Per Person:
1 x notebook, 5 x pens; Cellphone (personal or Comms Cache supplied (S-300) with PoC app installed if members’ cellphone not working); GPS, 1-2 spare USB power pack; PPE (CSA approved hardhat, safety glasses, leather gloves, safety boots, N95 mask, hearing protection, high visibility vest).

Per Team: (i.e., 1 Team Lead + 5 Responders) + MRG Supervisor: PoC System Remote Speaker Mic; VHF Radio + Spare Battery (if available); inReach satellite comm system; CSA approved Basic First Aid kit Z1220-17 (R2021)

Per MRG: Iridium PTT Handset (e/w speaker mic, spare battery, and external antenna); J-pole roll up antenna. Built for 149.080 e/w 16′ coax cable with Kenwood connector (SMA Male- TBC). Portable Collapsible Mast 20′ fiberglass fishing pole. Line with weight for tree installations; internet access, Repeaters, networking equipment, interop controllers per comms plan.

Per vehicle: External Radio Antenna. Stico Flexi Whip 1/4 wave cut to 149.080, NMO base. Mount kit e/w magnetic mount, luggage rack mount and lip mount NMO base, PL-259 coax. Kenwood Portable Radio adapter (SO-239 to SMA(m) TBC).

HWF Mission Ready Group: First Aid

Overall Function
Provide basic First Aid support to the AHJ and MIST/MIMT. Address medical issues in the field appropriately, if ready access to 911 or EMS is delayed, disrupted or unavailable. Assist with moving victim(s) away from danger towards shelter/triage. Assist EMS with mass casualty triage and treatment. Document victims’ and related incident details. Able to work in hazardous environments. Functions competently within an ICS organizational structure as part of a team.
1 MRG Supervisor
3 Team Leads
15 Support personnel
1 Medical Aid
Law enforcement, re-supply and shelter support for the team as per the service agreement with the requesting agency.




MRG Supervisor

1 MRG Supervisor

Met the CSA SARVAC Z1620 core competency standards for a SAR Manager. Has completed ICS 200 training; ICS 300 is recommended.


Team Lead

3 Team Leads

Met the CSA SARVAC Z1620 core competency standards for a Team Leader. Has completed ICS 100 training; ICS 200 is recommended.


Support to the MRG only.

1 Medical Aid

Has a valid, 80-120 hour, CSA Standard Z1210-17 Advanced First Aid course. Has advanced CISM training.



15 Responders

All personnel have the following knowledge, skills and certifications:

  • Met the CSA SARVAC Z1620 core competency standards for a Searcher.
  • Has completed ICS 100 training.
  • Has a valid, minimum 16 hour, CSA Standard Z1210-17 First Aid CPR C & AED course.
  • Undergone vulnerable person’s checks.
  • Proficient 2 way radio and GPS skills.
  • Uniformed, dressed and equipped for any weather, terrain and hazards.
  • Take precautions to ensure the safety of themselves, their team and victims.
  • Has an awareness of CISM.
Vehicle Transportation Vehicle(s) capable of transporting personnel, equipment and suppplies. 8 crew cab Pickups, fuel cards (est. 5600 liters of fuel per week)


Materials and Supplies (based on 20 people for a 7 day deployment)

Self-sustaining for 12 hours to include personal protective equipment (PPE), food, water, and fuel. Basic communications and navigation equipment (cell phones, 2 way radios, GPS); extra batteries. First Aid kit containing essential supplies. Tools and equipment for the task at hand.

Accommodations: 4 x 8-10 person tents if hotels aren’t available (6-7 people per tent + 1 utility tent for gear); 21 x portable heaters; 20 x (foam mat or cots, sleeping bags, pillows, tent lights, individual foot lockers); 2 x portable toilet; 2 x portable shower.

Sustenance: Per diem or 420 boxes of MREs, 5 x portable stoves, 5 x lrg pots; 1680 x 500ml water bottles (or water purification system). Estimate 10 liters of cooking fuel per week.

Additional Equipment:

Per Person:
1 x notebook, 5 x pens; Cellphone (personal or Comms Cache supplied (S-300) with PoC app installed if members’ cellphone not working); GPS, 1-2 spare USB power pack; PPE (CSA approved hardhat, safety glasses, leather gloves, safety boots, N95 mask, hearing protection, high visibility vest).

Per Team: (i.e., 1 Team Lead + 5 Responders) + MRG Supervisor: PoC System Remote Speaker Mic; VHF Radio + Spare Battery (if available); inReach satellite comm system; CSA approved Basic First Aid kit Z1220-17 (R2021)

Per MRG: Iridium PTT Handset (e/w speaker mic, spare battery, and external antenna); J-pole roll up antenna. Built for 149.080 e/w 16′ coax cable with Kenwood connector (SMA Male- TBC). Portable Collapsible Mast 20′ fiberglass fishing pole. Line with weight for tree installations; internet access, Repeaters, networking equipment, interop controllers per comms plan.

Per vehicle: External Radio Antenna. Stico Flexi Whip 1/4 wave cut to 149.080, NMO base. Mount kit e/w magnetic mount, luggage rack mount and lip mount NMO base, PL-259 coax. Kenwood Portable Radio adapter (SO-239 to SMA(m) TBC).

HWF Mission Ready Group: Operational Communications Support

Overall Function
Provides operational communications support to the AHJ and MIST/MIMT. Supports the accurate and timely transfer of information among search teams, the AHJ and reception centers, using 2 way radios, ham radios, satellite and cell phones, or verbally. Documents and files communications as required. Responsible for radio maintenance and oversight. Able to work in hazardous environments. Functions competently within an ICS organizational structure as part of a team.

1 MRG Supervisor
2 Team Leads
1 Medical Aid
6 Support personnel
Law enforcement, re-supply and shelter support for the team as per the service agreement with the requesting agency.




MRG Supervisor

1 MRG Supervisor

Met the CSA SARVAC Z1620 core competency standards for a SAR Manager. Has completed ICS 200 training; ICS 300 is recommended.


Team Lead

3 Team Leads

Met the CSA SARVAC Z1620 core competency standards for a Team Leader. Has completed ICS 100 training; ICS 200 is recommended.


Support to the MRG only.

1 Medical Aid

Has a valid, 80-120 hour, CSA Standard Z1210-17 Advanced First Aid course. Has advanced CISM training.



6 Responders

All personnel have the following knowledge, skills and certifications:

  • Met the CSA SARVAC Z1620 core competency standards for a Searcher.
  • Has completed ICS 100 training.
  • Has a valid, minimum 16 hour, CSA Standard Z1210-17 First Aid CPR C & AED course.
  • Undergone vulnerable person’s checks.
  • Proficient 2 way radio and GPS skills.
  • Uniformed, dressed and equipped for any weather, terrain and hazards.
  • Take precautions to ensure the safety of themselves, their team and victims.
  • Has an awareness of CISM.
Vehicle Transportation Vehicle(s) capable of transporting personnel, equipment and suppplies. 3 crew cab Pickups, fuel cards (est. 5600 liters of fuel per week)


Materials and Supplies (based on 20 people for a 7 day deployment)

Self-sustaining for 12 hours to include personal protective equipment (PPE), food, water, and fuel. Basic communications and navigation equipment (cell phones, 2 way radios, GPS); extra batteries. First Aid kit containing essential supplies. Tools and equipment for the task at hand.

Accommodations: 3 x 8-10 person tents if hotels aren’t available (5 people per tent + 1 utility tent for gear); 11 x portable heaters; 10 x (foam mat or cots, sleeping bags, pillows, tent lights, individual foot lockers); 1 x portable toilet; 1 x portable shower.

Sustenance: Per diem or 420 boxes of MREs, 5 x portable stoves, 5 x lrg pots; 1680 x 500ml water bottles (or water purification system). Estimate 10 liters of cooking fuel per week.

Additional Equipment:

Per Person:
1 x notebook, 5 x pens; Cellphone (personal or Comms Cache supplied (S-300) with PoC app installed if members’ cellphone not working); GPS, 1-2 spare USB power pack; PPE (CSA approved hardhat, safety glasses, leather gloves, safety boots, N95 mask, hearing protection, high visibility vest).

Per Team: (i.e., 1 Team Lead + 5 Responders) + MRG Supervisor: PoC System Remote Speaker Mic; VHF Radio + Spare Battery (if available); inReach satellite comm system; CSA approved Basic First Aid kit Z1220-17 (R2021)

Per MRG: Iridium PTT Handset (e/w speaker mic, spare battery, and external antenna); J-pole roll up antenna. Built for 149.080 e/w 16′ coax cable with Kenwood connector (SMA Male- TBC). Portable Collapsible Mast 20′ fiberglass fishing pole. Line with weight for tree installations; internet access, Repeaters, networking equipment, interop controllers per comms plan.

Per vehicle: External Radio Antenna. Stico Flexi Whip 1/4 wave cut to 149.080, NMO base. Mount kit e/w magnetic mount, luggage rack mount and lip mount NMO base, PL-259 coax. Kenwood Portable Radio adapter (SO-239 to SMA(m) TBC).

HWF Mission Ready Group: Logistics Support

Overall Function
Provides operational communications support to the AHJ and MIST/MIMT. Supports the accurate and timely transfer of information among search teams, the AHJ and reception centers, using 2 way radios, ham radios, satellite and cell phones, or verbally. Documents and files communications as required. Responsible for radio maintenance and oversight. Able to work in hazardous environments. Functions competently within an ICS organizational structure as part of a team.
1 MRG Supervisor
2 Team Leads
6 Support personnel
1 Medical Aid
Law enforcement, re-supply and shelter support for the team as per the service agreement with the requesting agency.




MRG Supervisor

1 MRG Supervisor

Met the CSA SARVAC Z1620 core competency standards for a SAR Manager. Has completed ICS 200 training; ICS 300 is recommended.


Team Lead

3 Team Leads

Met the CSA SARVAC Z1620 core competency standards for a Team Leader. Has completed ICS 100 training; ICS 200 is recommended.


Support to the MRG only.

1 Medical Aid

Has a valid, 80-120 hour, CSA Standard Z1210-17 Advanced First Aid course. Has advanced CISM training.



6 Responders

All personnel have the following knowledge, skills and certifications:

  • Met the CSA SARVAC Z1620 core competency standards for a Searcher.
  • Has completed ICS 100 training.
  • Has a valid, minimum 16 hour, CSA Standard Z1210-17 First Aid CPR C & AED course.
  • Undergone vulnerable person’s checks.
  • Proficient 2 way radio and GPS skills.
  • Uniformed, dressed and equipped for any weather, terrain and hazards.
  • Take precautions to ensure the safety of themselves, their team and victims.
  • Has an awareness of CISM.
Vehicle Transportation Vehicle(s) capable of transporting personnel, equipment and suppplies. 3 crew cab Pickups, fuel cards (est. 5600 liters of fuel per week)


Materials and Supplies (based on 20 people for a 7 day deployment)

Self-sustaining for 12 hours to include personal protective equipment (PPE), food, water, and fuel. Basic communications and navigation equipment (cell phones, 2 way radios, GPS); extra batteries. First Aid kit containing essential supplies. Tools and equipment for the task at hand.

Accommodations: 3 x 8-10 person tents if hotels aren’t available (5 people per tent + 1 utility tent for gear); 11 x portable heaters; 10 x (foam mat or cots, sleeping bags, pillows, tent lights, individual foot lockers); 1 x portable toilet; 1 x portable shower.

Sustenance: Per diem or 420 boxes of MREs, 5 x portable stoves, 5 x lrg pots; 1680 x 500ml water bottles (or water purification system). Estimate 10 liters of cooking fuel per week.

Additional Equipment:

Per Person:
1 x notebook, 5 x pens; Cellphone (personal or Comms Cache supplied (S-300) with PoC app installed if members’ cellphone not working); GPS, 1-2 spare USB power pack; PPE (CSA approved hardhat, safety glasses, leather gloves, safety boots, N95 mask, hearing protection, high visibility vest).

Per Team: (i.e., 1 Team Lead + 5 Responders) + MRG Supervisor: PoC System Remote Speaker Mic; VHF Radio + Spare Battery (if available); inReach satellite comm system; CSA approved Basic First Aid kit Z1220-17 (R2021)

Per MRG: Iridium PTT Handset (e/w speaker mic, spare battery, and external antenna); J-pole roll up antenna. Built for 149.080 e/w 16′ coax cable with Kenwood connector (SMA Male- TBC). Portable Collapsible Mast 20′ fiberglass fishing pole. Line with weight for tree installations; internet access, Repeaters, networking equipment, interop controllers per comms plan.

Per vehicle: External Radio Antenna. Stico Flexi Whip 1/4 wave cut to 149.080, NMO base. Mount kit e/w magnetic mount, luggage rack mount and lip mount NMO base, PL-259 coax. Kenwood Portable Radio adapter (SO-239 to SMA(m) TBC).

HWF Mission Ready Group: Incident Management Support

Overall Function
Provide personnel to support the AHJ or MIST/MIMT, including general administrative duties (ordering, correspondence, flow of information). Oversee the command and coordination of modular taskings depending on the incident’s size and complexity. Able to work in hazardous environments. Functions competently within an ICS organizational structure as part of a team.
1 Incident Coordinator
1 Operation Section Manager
1 Planning Section Manager
1 Logistics Section Manager
Law enforcement, re-supply and shelter support for the team as per the service agreement with the requesting agency.





MRG Supervisor

1 Incident Coordinator

Met the CSA SARVAC Z1620 core competency standards for a SAR Manager. Has completed ICS 200 training; ICS 300 is recommended.


Team Lead

1 Operation Section Manager

Met the CSA SARVAC Z1620 core competency standards for a Team Leader. Has completed ICS 100 training; ICS 200 is recommended.


Support to the MRG only.

1 Planning Section Manager

Has a valid, 80-120 hour, CSA Standard Z1210-17 Advanced First Aid course. Has advanced CISM training.



1 Logistics Section Manager

All personnel have the following knowledge, skills and certifications:

  • Met the CSA SARVAC Z1620 core competency standards for a Searcher.
  • Has completed ICS 100 training.
  • Has a valid, minimum 16 hour, CSA Standard Z1210-17 First Aid CPR C & AED course.
  • Undergone vulnerable person’s checks.
  • Proficient 2 way radio and GPS skills.
  • Uniformed, dressed and equipped for any weather, terrain and hazards.
  • Take precautions to ensure the safety of themselves, their team and victims.
  • Has an awareness of CISM.
Vehicle Transportation Vehicle(s) capable of transporting personnel, equipment and suppplies. 2 crew cab Pickups, fuel cards (est. 5600 liters of fuel per week)


Materials and Supplies (based on 20 people for a 7 day deployment)

Self-sustaining for 12 hours to include personal protective equipment (PPE), food, water, and fuel. Basic communications and navigation equipment (cell phones, 2 way radios, GPS); extra batteries. First Aid kit containing essential supplies. Tools and equipment for the task at hand.

Accommodations: 2 x 8-10 person tents if hotels aren’t available (4 people per tent + 1 utility tent for gear); 5 x portable heaters; 4 x (foam mat or cots, sleeping bags, pillows, tent lights, individual foot lockers); 1 x portable toilet; 1 x portable shower.

Sustenance: Per diem or 420 boxes of MREs, 5 x portable stoves, 5 x lrg pots; 1680 x 500ml water bottles (or water purification system). Estimate 10 liters of cooking fuel per week.

Additional Equipment:

Per Person:
1 x notebook, 5 x pens; Cellphone (personal or Comms Cache supplied (S-300) with PoC app installed if members’ cellphone not working); GPS, 1-2 spare USB power pack; PPE (CSA approved hardhat, safety glasses, leather gloves, safety boots, N95 mask, hearing protection, high visibility vest).

Per Team: (i.e., 1 Team Lead + 5 Responders) + MRG Supervisor: PoC System Remote Speaker Mic; VHF Radio + Spare Battery (if available); inReach satellite comm system; CSA approved Basic First Aid kit Z1220-17 (R2021)

Per MRG: Iridium PTT Handset (e/w speaker mic, spare battery, and external antenna); J-pole roll up antenna. Built for 149.080 e/w 16′ coax cable with Kenwood connector (SMA Male- TBC). Portable Collapsible Mast 20′ fiberglass fishing pole. Line with weight for tree installations; internet access, Repeaters, networking equipment, interop controllers per comms plan.

Per vehicle: External Radio Antenna. Stico Flexi Whip 1/4 wave cut to 149.080, NMO base. Mount kit e/w magnetic mount, luggage rack mount and lip mount NMO base, PL-259 coax. Kenwood Portable Radio adapter (SO-239 to SMA(m) TBC).