Operations Overview
SARVAC’s HWF Program effectively assembles its trained volunteers into an organized structure to provide direct support to an emergency response on the ground.
The National SAR Operations Concept (NSOC) provides a timeline approach (with directives and guidance for SARVAC’s executive, its associated members and key stakeholders), that allows SARVAC to respond to an incident based on a clear understanding of the response. The NSOC also provides the HWF Responder with an understanding of the responsibilities, operational fundamentals, and aspects of the command-and-control system, as well as what roles they may be asked to assume during a HWF deployment.
The Responder Resource, Incident Command System, Standard Operating Procedures, Mission Ready Groups, Operational Communications, and Logistics and Equipment Sections are found below. These documents will provide the HWF Responder with all necessary information and instructions to safely guide them through a HWF Response, whether they are the National Incident Support Team Director (NIST DIR), the on-site Response Coordinator (RC), or a member of one of the Mission Ready Groups.
The National SAR Operational Concept provides the overall concept of operations for the delivery of our disaster response and recovery capabilities broken down into 10 operational phases.
Responder Resources
Landing space for all our Responders. Click the Resource button below to view, locate and interact with the information, submittal forms, and resources you may require prior to, during and post deployment.
Incident Command Systems
As tier 1 member of ICS Canada, SARVAC follows the ICS Canada doctrine to organize responses, allowing us to have the flexibility to expand or collapse the organization for each deployment to accommodate the requested size and capability of our response.
Standard Operating Procedures
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) provide guidance to our volunteers during deployments under SARVAC’s HWF Program.
Mission Ready Groups
Mission Ready Groups (MRGs) organize our GSAR capabilities into quick-to- deploy packages of Responders and equipment.
Operational Communications
Operational strategies and guidance to our volunteers and AHJ on the Communications Support Plan, incident operating and back-up system(s) and personal equipment.
Emergency Events demand expedient, efficient, and comprehensive logistics, which includes the infrastructure required to plan, deploy, accommodate and feed our Responders, keeping them safe, healthy and motivated throughout the Mission.
SARVAC will provide the deployed response team and individuals with the group and personal equipment required to carry out the requested response tasks, with a focus on personal safety and performance.
After Action Reviews
An After Action Review (AAR) is a structured process for evaluating an event, operation, or training. It highlights successes, identifies areas for improvement, and enhances future preparedness and response strategies.